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Bone defects as a result of trauma, overloading, corrective surgery for deformities or tumor resections are still not uncommon. In 2019 alone, around 11,840 people in Germany were affected by such bone defects, which underlines the urgent need for innovative solutions. Current treatments based on synthetic biomaterials or processed donor tissue often reach their limits due to their limited bioactivity and the associated complications. This leads to increased costs and the need for repeat operations. Patients suffer from prolonged restricted mobility and enormous financial burdens of 8,000 to 20,000 euros per treatment.    

This is where BoneGuide, a breakthrough biomaterial designed to revolutionize bone healing, comes into play. Unlike conventional approaches, BoneGuide offers an off-the-shelf solution and eliminates the limitations of tissue availability and other problems associated with donor site morbidity. The newly developed biomaterial, which consists of a soft collagen skeleton and a mechanically stabilizing polycaprolactone (PCL) support structure, harnesses the body's natural healing ability to effectively promote bone regeneration. By mimicking the instructive architecture found in fetal, pediatric and adolescent bone formation, BoneGuide triggers the body's own healing process and eliminates the need for additional biological stimuli such as bone cells or growth factors.  

As a result, we obtain a commercially viable biomaterial that not only improves healing outcomes, but also shortens procedure times and minimizes the need for additional biological stimuli such as bone cells or growth factors. The result is a commercially viable biomaterial that not only improves healing outcomes, but also shortens procedure times and eliminates the need for subsequent revision surgery. BoneGuide was developed as part of several projects funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in collaboration with industrial partners such as Matricel GmbH and Innotere GmbH as well as research institutions such as the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT and represents a paradigm shift in orthopaedic care. With patents in both the EU and the US and patents pending in Canada and Japan, BoneGuide is poised to change the landscape of bone defect treatment worldwide.  

The EXIST research transfer program enables BoneGuide turning its scientific breakthrough into a successful business model and making its transformative technology accessible to healthcare providers and patients alike. In the coming year, the team will focus on identifying the first indication for BoneGuide, developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and building a robust business model. At the same time, efforts will focus on finalizing the manufacturing process, producing demonstration products and validating the commercial feasibility of the strategy. At the same time, efforts will focus on finalizing the manufacturing process, producing demonstration products and validating the commercial feasibility of the strategy. Ultimately, a proof-of-concept study in large animals will demonstrate the advantages of BoneGuide over conventional treatment approaches and strengthen its market position.  

The founding team of BoneGuide consists of Dr Aaron Herrera, postdoc at Charité, AG Petersen, and future CEO; Janina Stadter, PhD student at Charité, AG Petersen, and future CBO; Felix Lorenz, Senior Associate PwC, and future CBO; Hans Leemhuis - CEO Fibrothelium, Head of Production and Prof. Dr Ansgar Petersen, Professor and Group Leader for Cellular Biomechanics at Charité, product development support.  "We have assembled an outstanding, highly motivated and multidisciplinary founding team supported by an extensive network of experts and industry partners," said Aaron Herrera. "Together with partners such as Matricel GmbH, Bellaseno GmbH and KLS Martin GmbH, we are determined to realize the success of this project and usher in a new era of orthopedic care." 

Our technology managers at Charité BIH Innovation successfully supported BoneGuide with the application for the EXIST research transfer program and will continue to provide the team with advice and support over the next two years. We would also like to encourage all other founders to realize their ideas and contact us for an initial consultation.