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Through the development and implementation of science-based tools and policies, the group contributes to the alignment of internal administration and governance processes of incentives and research assessments with responsible research and innovation (RRI) as well as open sciences practices. The goal is to transfer best practice and knowledge into sustainable institutional practices and strengthen a translational ecosystem at BIH/Charité and beyond.

The working group focuses on implementation research in science management and governance, specifically in the area of incentive systems and assessment of translational research. Their objective is to develop quality and innovation-oriented procedures for assessing research and to reduce bias in institutional and individual assessments. The establishment of robust incentive systems and assessment procedures in various areas, including appointments, grants, fund allocation and research performance reporting is also a key aim.

The main activities of the working group are the empirical analysis of research assessment methods and indicators, incentive and university funding measures via, for example, scoping reviews and publication analyses, needs and problem field analyses (interviews, field observations), document analyses (e.g. of existing SOPs, legal requirements or process regulations) and evaluation of publicly available data (e.g. university finance and personnel statistics.) The group applies a participatory approach to the development and implementation of strategies, policies and tools on the basis of empirical analyses and regularly presents the outputs and results in various committees of the academic self-administration at Charité, BIH and BUA.

An important pillar of the group`s activities is the digitization of responsible research assessment procedures and the science-based development of software and their implementation for various fields of application. Additionally, the group provides consultancy services to internal and external stakeholders and represents its organization in international initiatives focused on research assessment reforms. (e.g. CoARA).
