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  • Can copying be a sin?

    "Wissenschaftsnarr" column from the "Laborjournal" by Uli Dirnagl: Foolish thoughts on the reuse of standard formulations as well as own and AI-generated text in scientific publishing. (In German)

  • Misunderstood abbreviations

    A "Laborjournal" article by Andrea Pitzschke: Shortcut citations in the methods section of papers often lead to a dead end. A consortium has drawn up simple rules for dealing with them responsibly. (In German)

  • Trust, look who - ...

    "Wissenschaftsnarr" column from the "Laborjournal" by Uli Dirnagl: How do I recognize overselling, spin and other oddities in scientific articles? The "Wissenschaftsnarr" presents a not-so-foolish checklist. (In German)

  • Woke science: brake or accelerator of quality and innovation?

    "Wissenschaftsnarr" column from the "Laborjournal" by Uli Dirnagl: Why is Germany lagging so far behind in increasing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in science? It has long been shown that research benefits from this. (In German)

  • No DEALs with our papers!

    "Wissenschaftsnarr" column from the "Laborjournal" by Uli Dirnagl: The Open Access contract with the publishing giant Elsevier does not achieve much, but it cements the unfortunate status quo of academic publishing. (In German)

  • The "case T.-L."

    "Wissenschaftsnarr" column from the "Laborjournal" by Uli Dirnagl: It is absolutely clear that in our current scientific system, scandals like the one surrounding Marc Tessier-Lavigne are bound to happen. (In German)

  • Zen und die Kunst, Forschungsqualität zu bewerten

    "Wissenschaftsnarr" column from the "Laborjournal" by Uli Dirnagl: "Research quality" is the main criterion in the assessment of science. Consequently, it essentially determines the weal and woe of applications, publications and careers. But how do you define research quality? (In German)

  • Involving patients in research

    Dr. Sarah Weschke trains scientists on how they can involve patients in their research. In the interview, she talks about hurdles and reservations (from p. 18, in German).

  • Mit NARRativen läuft das Leben besser

    "Wissenschaftsnarr" column from the "Laborjournal" by Uli Dirnagl: The classic format of the academic curriculum vitae is fading. And there is indeed a whiff of scientific content assessment wafting through the alternatives. (In German)

  • Fraud in science is rare. But is this actually true?

    "Wissenschaftsnarr" column from the "Laborjournal" by Uli Dirnagl: Scientific misconduct, that is, especially plagiarism, falsification, and fabrication of data, is much more common than we admit. So countermeasures are urgently needed.

  • Warum wissenschaftlicher Wumms weltweit weniger wird

    "Wissenschaftsnarr" column from the "Laborjournal" by Uli Dirnagl: According to the Web of Science, around seven million scientific articles are published each year in 34,000 listed journals. These numbers have been rising exponentially for decades. Yet despite this output, the effective production of truly novel knowledge is simultaneously…

  • Spät kommt Ihr, doch Ihr kommt! Der weite Weg, DFG, entschuldigt Euer Säumen.

    "Wissenschaftsnarr" - column from the "Laborjournal" by Uli Dirnagl: Die letzten beiden Positionspapiere der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) zum wissenschaftlichen Publizieren und zu Open Science haben es in sich. Damit schwört sie sich selbst und ihre Mitglieder doch tatsächlich auf Reformen ein. (In German)

  • QUEST Center

    SPOKES Wellcome Trust Think Tank Podcast: Doing Science Differently

    Episode 4 - Mental health in academia

    As part of the SPOKES Wellcome Trust Funded Think Tank Program (SWFTTP), a podcast has been created that takes a closer look at various aspects of research culture and practice in order to improve translational research in Berlin and beyond.

  • QUEST Center

    SPOKES Wellcome Trust Think Tank Podcast: Doing Science Differently

    Episode 3 - Success in Science

    As part of the SPOKES Wellcome Trust Funded Think Tank Program (SWFTTP), a podcast has been created that takes a closer look at various aspects of research culture and practice in order to improve translational research in Berlin and beyond.

  • QUEST Center

    SPOKES Wellcome Trust Think Tank Podcast: Doing Science Differently

    Episode 2 - The Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology

    As part of the SPOKES Wellcome Trust Funded Think Tank Program (SWFTTP), a podcast has been created that takes a closer look at various aspects of research culture and practice in order to improve translational research in Berlin and beyond.

  • QUEST Center

    SPOKES Wellcome Trust Think Tank Podcast: Doing Science Differently

    Episode 1 - Power abuse in academia

    As part of the SPOKES Wellcome Trust Funded Think Tank Program (SWFTTP), a podcast has been created that takes a closer look at various aspects of research culture and practice in order to improve translational research in Berlin and beyond.

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QUEST Center

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