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Communities for Open Research Synthesis: Accelerating translation of biomedical evidence

CAMARADES (Collaborative Approach to Meta-Analysis and Review of Animal Data from Experimental Studies) Berlin applies and supports systematic review and meta-analysis of preclinical studies to investigate challenges in the translation of biomedical research. These meta-research tools provide a summary of research findings and allow evaluation of both the range and quality of evidence addressing specific research questions. The results can help inform decision-making and the development of improvement strategies for preclinical research and translation.

In our project Communities for Open Research Synthesis (COReS) we aim to develop a targeted framework to initiate systemic change in how preclinical evidence from animal studies is translated into improved health outcomes for humans. Currently, most treatments that demonstrate efficacy in animal models fail to confer benefit when tested in humans. Systematic review and meta-analysis are research synthesis tools that act as an evidence-based bridge when translating scientific findings. This evidence bridge is routinely missing in the translation of preclinical research, largely due to inadequate awareness, expertise, and infrastructure. Through COReS we aim to integrate preclinical systematic reviews into the research pipeline through a three-pillar approach comprising education, infrastructure, and community-building. We will provide widespread, accessible systematic review education to increase methodological competence. Software, methods support, and a collaboration platform will enable community-led evidence synthesis in a self-sustaining model. COReS will facilitate decision-making in research prioritisation and create interdisciplinary networks to address the challenges of preclinical and translational research.

The BIH QUEST Center has been a National Coordinating Center of the CAMARADES Initiative since 2019.

CAMARADES is an international network of scientists who apply meta-research techniques to bring evidence to translational medicine. In addition to performing our own research, we provide a supporting framework for researchers to conduct systematic reviews of preclinical data in their own fields of research.

Read more about our Charité 3R-supported Facility for the Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Animal Studies, including information on upcoming workshops and accessing methodological support for your preclinical systematic review here.

Read more about our preclinical systematic reviews and meta-analyses investigating factors related to external validity in ischaemic stroke research here.

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Preclinical Systematic Review Helpdesk

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