Research data infrastructures for Germany are defined in the MI-Initiative and NFDI4Health projects and harmonized with other major projects (NFN, KBV/gematik, NAMSE) based on international standards. The Core Unit eHealth & Interoperability has thus established itself as the center of the most important research data management activities in Germany. These are aligned with the strategic goals of the European Commission, Germany and BIH@Charité.
Members of CEI serve as chair of the standardization committees DIN, IHE, HL7 Germany and international committees at GA4GH, WHO, CEN, and ISO-Level. Therefore, we have a significant influence on the development of international standards. This becomes more important as this data influences the global market, research, and patient care.
The membership of SNOMED CT International and the cooperation with the Regenstrief Institute (LOINC) in context with FHIR will result in extensive work and adaptations for Germany. Our working group has unique national expertise in the field of semantic interoperability. It represents the corresponding committees (Board for Classifications in Health Care with WG LOINC at the BfArM, Technical Committee Terminologies HL7, KBV/gematik Expert Council) and will lead these developments scientifically and make the results available to research in Germany and Europe. These terminologies will be implemented in projects, applications and persistent infrastructure of the Charité (PROMS, Clinical Trials, Laboratory Data, Data Integration Center). This ensures (international) comparability, precise data exchange, patient safety, and FAIR data. This data can also serve as basis for decision support systems and algorithms for machine learning and artificial intelligence.