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  • Photo gallery BIH Academy

    (J)(D)(Ad)CSP Certificate Ceremony 2024

    On June 20, 2024, around 50 Fellows received their certificates for successful participation in the (J)(D)(Ad) Clinician Scientist Program at Villa Elisabeth. The 300th alumni was symbolically honored at this year's certificate ceremony.

  • Photo gallery BIH Academy

    Internatinal Clinician Scientist Symposium 2024

    On June 20 and 21, 2024, an international BIH Charité Clinician Scientist Symposium was held at the “Villa Elisabeth” (Berlin Mitte), which was attended by around 170 participants.

  • Podcast QUEST Center Corona

    How did the Coronavirus influence research?

    During the Corona pandemic, half a million researchers from more than 170 different fields published articles about the virus or the COVID-19 disease. Many of them were not really virus-experts, even automobile researchers published about Corona. In the new episode of the BIH-podcast, John Ioannidis, famous meta-researcher from Stanford and Berlin,…

  • Photo gallery

    Taking office of the new BIH Chief Executive Officer Christopher Baum

    Prof. Dr. Christopher Baum has taken over the position of Chief Translational Research Officer at Charité as of January 1. The position was created in the course of the integration of the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH). The molecular physician is thus responsible for the new third pillar "Translational Research Unit" of Charité –…

  • Photo gallery BIH Academy

    Clinician Scientist Retreat 2020

    Clinician Scientists, their mentors and clinic directors discussed research projects and strategic BIH issues at Schloss Genshagen on 23/24 January 2020. Another highlight was the fireside chat between BIA Director Prof. Dragun and the new Chairman of the Charité Board Prof. Heyo Kroemer.

  • Photo gallery BIH Academy


    In the "Kalkscheune" on the evening of June 19, 2019, about 40 graduates of the BIH Charité (Junior) Clinician Scientist Program received their certificate of successful program completion.

  • Photo gallery

    Girl's Day 2019

    The Berlin Institute of Health took part in this year's nationwide Girls' Day with three events. The girls from various Berlin schools aged 10-15 were able to inform themselves about various areas of translational research and get to know the work of the scientists and staff.