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  • Photo gallery BIH Academy

    (J)(D)(Ad)CSP Certificate Ceremony 2024

    On June 20, 2024, around 50 Fellows received their certificates for successful participation in the (J)(D)(Ad) Clinician Scientist Program at Villa Elisabeth. The 300th alumni was symbolically honored at this year's certificate ceremony.

  • Photo gallery BIH Academy

    Internatinal Clinician Scientist Symposium 2024

    On June 20 and 21, 2024, an international BIH Charité Clinician Scientist Symposium was held at the “Villa Elisabeth” (Berlin Mitte), which was attended by around 170 participants.

  • Publication

    The BIH from A to Z

    Our aim is to use scientific discoveries to improve human health. To that end we are developing new methods to better prevent diseases and to more precisely and effectively treat them. This booklet lists, in alphabetical order, what we need to achieve these goals. From A to Z, it provides a good first overview of the BIH.

  • Video

    Video portrait: Birgit Sawitzki

    Public perception of science is still dominated by the image of men, and male scientists are interviewed and quoted more frequently in the media than their female colleagues. Therefore, the BIH wants to represent women scientists with its portrait series and illustrate their inspiring contribution to translational research, from basic research to…

  • Video

    Video portrait: Claudia Langenberg

    Public perception of science is still dominated by the image of men, and male scientists are interviewed and quoted more frequently in the media than their female colleagues. Therefore, the BIH wants to represent women scientists with its portrait series and illustrate their inspiring contribution to translational research, from basic research to…

  • Video

    Video portrait: Janine Altmüller

    Public perception of science is still dominated by the image of men, and male scientists are interviewed and quoted more frequently in the media than their female colleagues. Therefore, the BIH wants to represent women scientists with its portrait series and illustrate their inspiring contribution to translational research, from basic research to…

  • Podcast QUEST Center Corona

    How did the Coronavirus influence research?

    During the Corona pandemic, half a million researchers from more than 170 different fields published articles about the virus or the COVID-19 disease. Many of them were not really virus-experts, even automobile researchers published about Corona. In the new episode of the BIH-podcast, John Ioannidis, famous meta-researcher from Stanford and Berlin,…