QUEST Center as part of the Open Science Monitoring Initiative (OSMI)
The QUEST Center for Resposible Research recently became part of the Open Science Monitoring Initiative (OSMI).
The QUEST Center for Resposible Research recently became part of the Open Science Monitoring Initiative (OSMI).
The 2023 CERN-NASA "Accelerating the Adoption of Open Science" Summit highlighted the need for concrete strategies to change research incentives towards open scholarship.
Einstein Foundation and BIH QUEST Center honor award winners
The BIH research groups "Medical Informatics" and "Meta-Research and Automated Screening" are participating in the European MSCA (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action) doctoral network "SHARE-CTD", which was selected for funding in March 2023.
Der Medizinische Fakultätentag (MFT) veröffentlicht Impulspapier: Exzellente Forschung und Lehre erfordern wissenschaftliche Freiräume sowie adäquate strukturelle, finanzielle und räumliche Ressourcen, deren Bereitstellung eine zentrale Managementaufgabe der fakultären Leitungsebene ist. Institutionelle Inzentivierungs- und Belohnungssysteme…
In July 2022, Tracy Weißgerber received the Paper of the Month award.
The BIH QUEST Grant for Patient & Stakeholder Engagement promoted the active participation of patients, especially in the planning phase of a study. Four Charité projects have been funded, are completed now and the results are available. (in German)
If you'd like to join the planning team for the third annual discipline-independent conference for early career researchers (ECRs) – then please follow the link to the detailed information. Applications are very welcome.