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  • News Event Charité BIH Innovation

    Impulses for a successful technology transfer

    Medical research at Charité - Universitätmedizin Berlin and the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) should have the greatest possible impact on society and the economy, according to the mission of Charité BIH Innovation (CBI), the joint technology transfer of Charité and BIH. In order to provide a platform for the exchange of experiences and ideas…

  • Press release

    ERDERA unveils how it plans to fight rare diseases

    The European Rare Diseases Research Alliance (ERDERA) is holding today, October 28, its official launch event, where it will set out its vision and ambition for tackling rare diseases as part of the EU’s research strategy in this field. Representatives of the European Commission, patients’ organizations and ERDERA project groups will present their…

  • Press release

    Financial support for women's health: UN Population Fund, BIH and Charité present new “WomenX Collective” programme in Berlin

    UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, will launch its new “WomenX Collective” programme at the World Health Summit in Berlin on October 14, followed the next day by the opening of its first hub office in a planned global network of centres specializing in the promotion of women's health, especially sexual and reproductive health, in the German…

  • Press release

    Proteins in the blood can predict the risk of developing more than 60 diseases

    A new collaborative study by researchers from the Berlin Institute of Health at Charité (BIH), Queen Mary University of London, University College London, University of Cambridge and the pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) shows that proteins measured in a single drop of blood can predict risk for a variety of diseases.

Press contact

Konstanze Pflüger

Head of Communications and Press Officer

Contact information
Phone:+49 (0)30 450 543 343