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When we talk about translational projects needing to reach the patient, it may sound simple, but in fact, there are many challenges that need to be tackled on that path. First, every project needs to start from a firm and sound scientific basis with a relevant hypothesis and solid data that needs to be reproducible, validated, of high standard and sound statistics. This part is already a good piece of work in itself and documentation requirements that do along with this are not always easy to implement. Major efforts like QUEST @ BIH are underway to improve the quality of scientific research that constitute the foundation for translational projects.

though, does not end after the data and the preclinical models have been solidly validated. Validation also includes the preclinical and clinical end points, the users, the market and the underlying business model. Or, if there are alternative pathways to the patient necessary, then the strategy to patient needs to be validated. In other words, the way the project is being carried forward and supported, is equally important for the final outcome. Approaches like the methodology offered by SPARK @ BIH offer the missing link to translational projects to improve their success focusing on these additional aspects.

In this SPARK Educational lecture we will discuss the joint efforts necessary at academia to improve translational projects: The Whys and Hows that translational researchers need to focus on and also what makes this an ethical imperative for all of us.

We are pleased to have Uli Dirnagl from QUEST with us and will have impulse talks followed by an interactive discussion. Please join us and be part of the network.


10 September 2019
5:00 - 7:00 pm


Kaiserin Friedrich-Haus
Robert-Koch-Platz 7
Seminarraum 3rd floor
10115 Berlin

Unfortunately the venue can only partially be accessed barrier-free. If you need help regarding barrier-free access or have any questions regarding the accessibility of the venue, please contact us in advance: spark@charite.de (030-450 543 057)

Child Care Service

We offer child care during the event. Should this be of interest to you please let us know at least 14 days in advance of the event by sending an email to: equal.opportunity@bihealth.de