Information for Scientists
The BeLOVE study aims to achieve the greatest possible benefit for health-related research from the collected data and sample material. This requires broad availability of the data and sample material for internal and external scientists. Due to the special requirements for the protection of participants' rights and the high scientific value of the existing data and sample material, planned access to it must be evaluated particularly strictly with regard to the objectives and the achievable benefits.
Applications for the use of data and sample material must in all cases be assessed by the BeLOVE Use & Access Committee as well as the BeLOVE Executive Board which makes the final decision. The application for approval is made via an electronic application procedure (REDCap-based) in accordance with the current terms of use.
To apply for the use of data and/or sample material from the BeLOVE study, please contact us at one of the following e-mail addresses:
BeLOVE Executive Board
The strategic direction of the BeLOVE study is determined by the members of the Executive Board. The Executive Board is made up of the main experts, clinical representatives, epidemiologists and the guest role of the BIH/Charité Clinical Study Center management and assumes the main responsibility for the study. The BeLOVE Scientific Officer supports the Executive Board Committee as a non-voting member. With the rotating speakership from the ranks of the clinical Principal Investigators, the interests are represented internally and externally in a leading and clear management role. The deputy spokesperson, also responsible for leadership and elected from the ranks of the Executive Board, ensures the epidemiological foundation of the cohort study for the duration of the study.BeLOVE Scientific Board
The scientific foundation of the BeLOVE study is formed by experts and clinical representatives, heads of the most important phenotyping modules, epidemiologists and biostatisticians of the BeLOVE Scientific Board. The BeLOVE Scientific Board is referenced in publications as the BeLOVE Consortium.BeLOVE Use & Access Committee
The Use & Access Committee is made up of one representative from each of the clinics responsible for the disease entities recruited into BeLOVE, the lead epidemiologist in BeLOVE, the lead biometrician in BeLOVE, representatives of the basic science working groups involved in BeLOVE, and the Scientific Officer of the BeLOVE study. The Use & Access Committee reviews incoming applications for data/sample use in accordance with the BeLOVE usage regulations according to defined criteria and submits a recommendation for approval, modification or rejection to the BeLOVE Executive Board. The BeLOVE Executive Board confirms or modifies this recommendation. If the Executive Board evaluates the application discrepantly to the Use & Access Committee, the Scientific Board is consulted for the final decision. The final decision on the approval of an application lies with the BeLOVE Executive Board. -
The processing and provision of the data and samples collected by the study team as part of the BeLOVE study is carried out by various teams:
Biostatistics Team
Data Management Team
Baum, L., Müller, A., Johns, M. et al. An interactive dashboard for analyzing user interaction patterns in the i2b2 clinical data warehouse. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 24, 333 (2024).
Liegl, G., H. Fischer, F., N. Martin, C. et al. Converting PROMIS®-29 v2.0 profile data to SF-36 physical and mental component summary scores in patients with cardiovascular disorders. Health Qual Life Outcomes 22, 64 (2024).
Weber JE, Ahmadi M, Boldt L, et al. Protocol of the Berlin Long-term Observation of Vascular Events (BeLOVE): a prospective cohort study with deep phenotyping and long-term follow up of cardiovascular high-risk patients. BMJ Open 2023;13:e076415. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-076415
Christopher M. Arends, Thomas G. Liman, Paulina M. Strzelecka, Anna Kufner, Pelle Löwe, Shufan Huo, Catarina M. Stein, Sophie K. Piper, Marlon Tilgner, Pia S. Sperber, Savvina Dimitriou, Peter U. Heuschmann, Raphael Hablesreiter, Christoph Harms, Lars Bullinger, Joachim E. Weber, Matthias Endres, Frederik Damm; Associations of clonal hematopoiesis with recurrent vascular events and death in patients with incident ischemic stroke. Blood 2023; 141 (7): 787–799. doi:
Chitroceanu AM, Fahjen P, Schulze D, Zach V, Alasfar L, Dahmen JN, Beyer RE, Zurkan D, Plappert C, Weber JE, Mertins P, Edelmann F, on hehalf of the Belove-Study Group. (2024) Plasma proteomics in acute heart failure - a step towards a mechanistic understanding of the disease. ESC, Heart Failure 2024, Lisbon. [ePoster]
May E, Witte V, Schönrath K, Endres M, Weber JE, Villringer K, Khalil* A, Sacher* J, on behalf of the BeLOVE Study Group. (2024) Exploring Sex Differences and Menopause in Brain Perfusion and Mild Cognitive Impairment in Patients with Vascular Risk. CAMH womenmind conference 2024, Toronto. [Poster, program p.21]
Villringer K*, Uchralt T*, Simon-Batsford N, Landmesser U, Kelle S, Fiebach JB, Weber J, Endres M: on behalf of the BeLOVE Study Group. (2023) Assessment of BIANCA WMH quantification performance
before and after lesion removal. Brain & Brain PET 2023, 31st International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. [Poster 34, 13 June]Braemswig TB, Villringer K, Riegler C, Ahmadi M, Leistner DM, Mai K, Spranger J, Landmesser U, Weber JE, Endres M, Nolte CH. Prevalence of cerebral microbleeds in different vascular risk cohorts: Observations from the Berlin Long-Term Observational Study of Vascular Events (BeLOVE). 9th European Stroke Organisation Conference, 2023. [Poster ID P1383]
Blaszczyk E, Gröschel J, Viezzer D, Saad H, Endres M, Landmesser U, Pieske B, Spranger J, Weber JE, Schulz-Menger J, on hehalf of the Belove-Study Group. (2023) Deep cardiac phenotyping by CMR after different acute cardiovascular events – assessment of unknown myocardial injury - insights from the BeLOVE (Berlin Longterm Observation of Vascular Events) study. SCMR 26th Annual Scientific Sessions, San Diego, California USA.
Braemswig TB, Villringer K, Riegler C, Ahmadi M, Leistner DM, Mai K, Spranger J, Landmesser U, Weber JE, Endres M, Nolte CH. (2022) Prävalenz zerebraler Mikroblutungen in unterschiedlichen vaskulären Risiko-Kohorten: Erste Beobachtungen aus der Berliner Langzeitbeobachtungsstudie für vaskuläre Ereignisse (BeLOVE). DNG - Neurowoche 2022, Berlin, Germany. [Poster DGN-P145]
Fischer F, Schmidt S, Rose M. (2022) Comparison of PROMIS Depression CATs based on US calibration with a German calibration. 8th Conference of the International Association for Computerized Adaptive Testing, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. [Talk]
Meteva D, Gerhardt T, Schweizerhof O, Aigner A, Piper S, Kollmus-Heege J, Last J, Schatz A-S, Seppelt C, Abdelwahed Y, Juri B, Kränkel N, Müller D, Nolte C, Endres M, Landmesser U, Weber J, Leistner D, on behalf of the BeLOVE study group. (2022) Immunophenotyping for Cardiovascular Risk Stratification in Acute Coronary Syndrome vs. Acute Ischemic Stroke- results from the multicenter prospective BeLOVE cohort study. 88. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie – Herz- und Kreislaufforschung e.V., Mannheim, Germany. Clin Res Cardiol 111, 592.
Cipriani A, Blaszczyk E, Weber J, Schulz-Menger J. (2019) Subclinical myocardial injury in cardiovascular high-risk patients after acute event: insights from the BeLove pilot study. SCMR 22nd Annual Scientific Sessions, Bellevue, WA USA. [Poster-P008]