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Hub registration

All Principle Investigators from BIH, Charité and MDC and participants of the BIH Charité (Digital) Clinician Scientist Program are invited to apply for membership in the Translation Hubs. Members of the hubs belong to the BIH Faculty and are invited to shape a translational research environment using cutting-edge technology. Hubs provide a space for networking of people with similar research interests and the opportunity to connect the currently evolving structures. The goal is to create a unique research ground for Berlin with opportunities beyond the sum of individual elements.

More information on the BIH Translation Hubs

To apply, please submit the completed form below.

A confirmation will be sent to the e-mail address provided in the form. Should you wish to commit time and effort to several hubs, please submit a separate application for each hub you wish to join.

Interested individuals can apply for membership at any time. The Hub Steering Committees discuss about and approve new memberships at the end of each quarter. Hub membership needs to be renewed every two years. 

Thank you very much for your interest in joining the BIH Translation Hubs. We look forward to working with you! If you have questions please contact platforms@bihealth.de

BIH Translation Hub

* indicates mandatory fields
Affiliation *
A confirmation will be sent to the e-mail address provided in the form.
Please describe your area of expertise, indicating
1) your research areas
2) up to 3 recent publications for each research area
3) up to 3 recent grants per area
BIH Translation-Hub *
Which activities would you like to participate in? *