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  • Open Science Ongoing


    Training biomedical researchers for a deep understanding of processes, values, and merits of clinical trial data sharing.

  • Quality Assurance Ongoing

    Training Transfer

    Opening the BLACK BOX - Transfer of training content on Responsible Research & Open Science into research practice.

  • Quality Assurance


    Development of evidence-informed, comprehensive and applied recommendations for biomedical scientists working with stroke patients and stakeholders.

  • Quality Assurance Ongoing

    DECIDE - Phase II

    The DECIDE project aims to improve translation from preclinical findings through the support of multi-laboratory confirmatory projects. Support is provided through counselling, workshops and meta-research which aim to improve practices in preclinical trials.

  • Quality Assurance Ongoing


    A platform that integrates mechanistic modelling and bioinformatics to create a real-time virtual copy of a patient, allowing for detailed health simulations. The project connects multiple apps to track a stroke patient’s individual journey, covering all phases, from prevention to treatment and rehabilitation.

  • Quality Assurance Ongoing


    The PRODIGY consortium strengthens research collaboration between the Berlin University Alliance and the global south. Within this initiative, the QUEST Center explores the current state of global health research, identifying areas for improvement and providing data to inform future discussions.

  • Quality Assurance Ongoing

    Responsible PrecliniX (RPX) – Meta-Research

    Besides supporting researchers working with preclinical models, RPX conducts meta-research on experimental design, bias reduction, replicability and optimal decision-making for translational goals.

  • Quality Assurance Open Science Ongoing


    The CARDS project aims to develop and expand tools, services, and training offered to researchers of the Berlin University Alliance (BUA) on the topic of research data management (RDM).

  • Quality Assurance Open Science

    BUA Open Science Magnifiers

    The project "Berlin University Alliance Open Science Magnifiers" continues and further develops the systematic monitoring of Open Science practices. This includes visualizations of indicators for open practices, as well as highlighting of specific best-practice examples.