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What you always wanted to know about the p-value but were afraid to ask!

Do you think that the p-value indicates the probability that your result could be false positive? Have you ever thought about how likely the hypotheses are that you are investigating in your research? Could you explain to someone, including yourself, what statistical significance actually means? Do you know the "winner's curse"?


To answer these and many other questions about the scientific ritual of significance testing, including whether we should redefine or even abolish statistical significance, as many prominent statisticians and scientists have recently called for.


Prof. Dr. Ulrich Dirnagl, Founding Director QUEST Center | BIH Chair | Research Group Leader

Important Information

Date and time: Tuesday, October 2024, 2 - 4pm

Course language: German (with slides in English)

Location: online

ECTS: 0,2

Registration: Please register here for the course. 


Prof. Dr. Ulrich Dirnagl

Founding Director | BIH Chair | Research Group Leader

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