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The OLdTIMer study investigates an old and actually cheap medication (colchicine) as a treatment for inflammatory cardiomyopathy. The study has a randomized, placebo-control design and intends to treat 80 patients from 4 centers in Germany. At the end of the study we can prove/reject the concept that colchicine can in-principle be used as a treatment for  non-viral  inflammatory cardiomyopathy instead of corticosteroids which are frequently associated with different side effects and have many contraindications. The study aims to provide the first clinical evidence for further large-scale studies comparing colchicine to the standard of care therapies.

Colchicine has been investigated in pericarditis and in post-/COVID complications. Yet, the OLdTIMer study is very unique in the sense that it is the first human to study colchicine in cardiac muscle inflammation.

Principle investigator:
Prof. Carsten Tschöpe

Study scientist/pharmacologist:
Dr. Ahmed Elsanhoury