BIH/Charité Clinical Study Center

The Clinical Study Center (CSC) is an interdisciplinary unit for the development and optimization of innovative clinical study and research infrastructure with a special focus on digital concepts and structures (CSC Innovations), based on the BIH strategy process and the Charité 2030 strategy. Our goal is to make clinical research and medical data use at BIH and Charité more efficient and sustainable, thus supporting innovative and interdisciplinary projects that advance medical progress for the benefit of patients. We focus on the utilization of medical care data and samples, as well as the integration of patient-related health data of all patients for clinical research (Broad Consent) as well as on the acceleration and increase of efficiency of study procedures through simplification and standardization (Trial Prototyping). To realize translational clinical research on a high and competitive level, we establish joint translational processes with external and industrial partners.