From idea to impact
To date, Charité BIH Innovation (CBI) has helped turn research results into applicable products in nearly 200 translational projects. Dr. Claudia Keil-Dieckmann, Head of Patents and Licensing at CBI, emphasizes the central role of early idea scouting: "Many scientists think that publishing and patenting are mutually exclusive. That is a misunderstanding. Only if patenting and publishing are well coordinated in the development process can the protection of intellectual property motivate licensees to continue developing the product to market maturity with the corresponding investments. Only in this way can the innovations developed at the Charité/BIH also benefit patients in regular care. Early consultation with our technology scouts ensures that we can also generate the greatest possible social impact from innovative projects and ideas at an early stage of development. Our new Idea Office now makes this even more straightforward."
From scientists for scientists
The new Idea Office is organized by the technology scouts Dr. Bettina Otto and Dr. Thomas Marek Wallach. Both have only been working at Charité BIH Innovation since this year and know how difficult it can be as a scientist to take the first (or next) step in implementing innovative ideas. In their new Idea Office, which takes place every Wednesday between 2 and 3:45 p.m., they now offer non-binding and confidential advice on the services offered by the technology transfer department Charité BIH Innovation. Whether patents, licenses, cooperation agreements, spin-offs or project funding - the Idea Office serves as the first point of contact to be directed to the right contact persons at Charité BIH Innovation.
Dr. Otto is looking forward to the implementation of the new service: "We have already been able to conduct the first Idea Office consultations and are looking forward to hearing about more exciting projects and ideas from all kinds of disciplines in 2023. We always consider together how to proceed with individual projects - so please feel free to take advantage of our non-binding offer!" Dr. Wallach adds, "Our wish is that the diverse innovation offers of Charité BIH Innovation will be used even more extensively. Our technology transfer offers exciting opportunities for all researchers and clinicians at Charité and BIH."
The organizers
Dr. Bettina Otto, Ph.D. studied biology at the University of Edinburgh (2001-2005). She received her Ph.D. in Biology from the University of Cambridge in the field of molecular plant virology (2006-2009). She then worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the UK and Germany. In 2017, she started working as an Innovation Scout at the University of Göttingen with a focus on Life Science and Medical Science. In 2018, she transferred to the University of Hamburg to work as a startup coach. In 2022, she joined the CBI team as a technology scout/technology manager.
Dr. Thomas Marek Wallach, Ph.D. studied biology at the Free University of Berlin and the Rockefeller University (2002-2007). He received his Ph.D. in Biology from the Humboldt University of Berlin on molecular mechanisms of circadian clocks at the Charité (2007-2012). He then worked as a postdoc in the field of molecular chronobiology. In 2018, he moved to the Institute of Cell and Neurobiology at Charité, where he worked on neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases. In 2022, he joined the CBI team as a technology scout/technology manager.
How does the Idea Office work?
The consultation lasts 15 minutes and takes place digitally via Microsoft Teams. Appointments are booked via Open Iris at least one week before the consultation. When booking, a brief description of the idea or project must be filled out so that the project can be discussed internally in advance. Through the Idea Office, participants obtain an initial assessment of the potential of their idea or project by the respective technology transfer experts from the fields of biomedicine, digital health, IP protection (patents and licenses) and business development.
The technology scouts then work with the interested innovators to determine whether and how the idea can be protected and/or supported in its implementation. Subsequently, they are referred to the right contact points. These may include the in-house Patents & Licensing or Match & Connect departments, or the local SPARK-BIH and BIH Digital Health Accelerator funding programs. In short, the Idea Office offers support in answering the question "Where do we go from here?".
The service was developed in collaboration with and is supported by the Stiftung Charité.
Feel free to visit the official website of Charité BIH Innovation's Idea Office. There you will also find instructions on how to book the consultation.
Here you can learn more about the offers of Charité BIH Innovation.