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Course Description

Why are biomedical sciences and especially preclinical research affected by a systematic quality problem? What are the reasons and how can they be addressed? How do I make my research reproducible? How do I ensure good research quality in my laboratory? In this seminar, we want to introduce PREMIER, a new tool that provides practical solutions to answer the quality questions in research. With its modular structure, PREMIER contributes to bringing reproducibility and quality in research into the focus again.

Target Audience

Scientists, laboratory managers, technical staff, students

Course Objectives

To create awareness of qualitative work in the laboratory: where are the hurdles / problems and how can they be easily solved.

Content of the Course

  1. Welcome and introduction
  2. Quality concept, elements of the research process
  3. PREMIER: the interactive QM system for research
  4. Research process flow
  5. Selection of three modules: (query will be made at course registration)
    • Creating quality objectives (policy)
    • Experimental design (creation of an experimental design)
    • Evaluation (data analysis)
    • Reporting (of research data, open access, open data etc.)
    • Communication (setting up meeting structures)
    • Documentation (wiki (knowledge sharing), electronic lab book (ELN) etc.)
    • Research data management (data storage etc.)
    • LabCIRS: a tool for transparent error management
    • Laboratory organisation (briefings, sample management, traceability, etc.)
  6. Quality assurance (key figures, audits, etc.) 6. Conclusion / summary

Prerequisites for Participation


Methods of Knowledge Transfer

Presentation, group work, discussion


Dr. René Bernard
Quality manager | Project manager - Value and Open Science (Exzellenzcluster NeuroCure, Charité)

Dipl. Biochem. Claudia Kurreck
Quality manager | Project manager - PREMIER (Exp. Neuro, Charité)

Important information

Date: will be announced in time

Course Language: German (the course can also be offered in English upon request)

Location: online via Teams

Max. number of participants: unlimited

ECTS: 0,5

Registration: Registration is currently closed.


  • Dr. René Bernard

    Quality manager | Project manager - Value and Open Science (Exzellenzcluster NeuroCure, Charité)

    Contact information
    Phone:+49 30 450 539 706
  • Dipl. Biochem. Claudia Kurreck

    Quality manager | Research fellow

    Contact information
    Phone:+49 30 450 560 664