Waiting list
ReproducibiliTeach: Strategies to make your research more transparent, robust & reproducible
Concerned about the reproducibility crisis? Wondering what you can do to make your research more transparent, robust & reproducible? Looking for hands-on experience and expert advice? Make your own research instantly more transparent, robust & reproducible.
Participants in the hands-on ReproducibiliTeach workshop, offered by the QUEST Center and NeuroCure, will learn to identify common problems that affect transparency and reproducibility and work on implementing better practices in their own research.
Course description
This course follows the flipped classroom principle. Participants are required to watch a recorded lecture focussed on common practices for more transparent and reproducible alternatives prior to the workshops.
In these lectures, they learn the theoretical background and skills needed to apply these concepts to their own research. During the workshops, participants ask questions, apply concepts to their own research, learn from others’ experiences and get feedback from instructors and classmates. Instructors will provide support and guidance.
After completion of the course, participants will have implemented practices to make their research more transparent and reproducible, and shared their knowledge with others in their research group.
Learning objectives
After completing the course, students will have:
Week 1
- Identified the appropriate reporting guideline for their study and used that guideline as a writing guide to prepare a methods section
- Determined when blinding and randomisation are needed in their studies
Week 2
- Explained the benefits of using research resource identifiers (RRIDs) and have added RRIDs to their manuscript or to the resource list from their lab
- Designed a flow chart to report attrition for a research study
- Set up a meaningful ORCID profile with automated publication import
- Written a CRediT contributor statement
Week 3
- Critically evaluated scientific figures to identify and fix common data visualisation problems
Week 4
- Ensured that any methodological citation shortcuts used to explain their methods follow best practices
- Deposited a research/method protocol applicable to their research on a dedicated protocol repository (decisions about whether to publicly share the protocol are up to participant and their colleagues)
Week 5
- Prepared a data spreadsheet and data dictionary to record study data
- Data upload to the general purpose repository Zenodo
Target audience
This course is designed for biomedical researchers working on small sample size studies, including preclinical (animal) research, in vitro research, or human research with small numbers of participants. Some topics may also be relevant to researchers working with larger sample sizes.
This course is open to researchers in the biomedical or biological sciences at Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, or Technische Universität Berlin.
Additional spaces are available to participants from the NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence. NeuroCure participants should indicate their affiliation during the registration process.
ECTS & time commitment
We will provide a signed certificate to help participants obtain ECTS credit from their institution or department. You must attend all 5 sessions to receive a certificate over 0,8 ECTS and have watched the lectures prior to class.
As this course is open for participants from various programmes, obtaining formal approval from each programme is not feasible. Participants themselves are responsible for ensuring that they will receive credit for the course.
Important information
Date: The next ReproducibiliTeach workshop will take place in September/October 2024. The dates will be announced in due time.
Course language: English
Materials: Course lectures, to be watched prior to class, are available on YouTube.
Location: Virtual course via Zoom, Meeting ID: 852 8883 1284, Passcode: 097162
Homework: 1-1,5 hours/week
Registration: Registration is currently closed. Please register here for the waiting list.
This is a joint course from BIH QUEST Center and NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence.
NeuroCure is funded within the Excellence Strategy by the GERMAN FEDERAL and BERLIN STATE GOVERNMENTS through DFG Grant EXC 2049 / project number: 390688087.