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The research project "Case Analysis and Decision Support" was developed for patients with undiagnosed potentially rare or complex diseases. Using existing resources and access structures in Berlin, such as the Berlin Centre for Rare Diseases, the Institute of Medical Genetics and Human Genetics of the Charité Berlin and many other participating specialised outpatient clinics, CADS enables further diagnostic analyses to identify novel approaches for counselling and therapy. Due to the unique positioning of the project at the interface of standard care and research combined with a close integration with the care structures, patients of the Charité with undiagnosed diseases can gain access to exploratory analyses for a detailed phenotyping or genotyping on a research basis via CADS. Based on these analyses, new approaches for diagnosis or therapy can be identified and implemented into standard care. At the same time, new methods are being developed and subsequently translated into medical applications.

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Project lead

Stefan Mundlos

Contact information
Address:BIH Center for Regenerative Therapies (BCRT)
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Campus Virchow-Klinikum
Augustenburger Platz 1
(Besucher: Föhrer Str. 15)
13353 Berlin


Dr. Mara Lena Hartung

Project Officer Case Analysis and Decision Support Platform (CADS), Scientific Coordinator

Contact information
Phone:+49 30 450 543315