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Dissolve-E - Digitization of the AWMF guideline registry for an open, guideline-based, trustworthy evidence ecosystem

In order to ensure the quality of medical care, there are a large number of guidelines that are registered and published by the Association of the Scientific Medical Societies in Germany (AWMF) via a quality-assured guideline register. However, a comprehensive guideline register in digital form does not yet exist. Digitization could facilitate the creation and updating processes for guidelines, provide needs-specific formats and decision-making aids and enable a direct data-based comparison of guideline recommendations and treatment options. In addition, the comparison between guideline specifications and the latest scientific findings could be made more efficient.

The aim of the Dissolve-E project is to convert the AWMF's analog guideline register into a digital structure that meets (inter)national requirements in technical terms. To this end, the project partners are first developing a digital technical infrastructure with corresponding standards for data exchange interfaces. In addition, the researchers are developing instructions to enable users to get started with digital guideline creation in an uncomplicated way; this also includes methodological support options. Finally, the existing guideline content is to be transferred to the digital register as an example. Development and introduction of the