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The award aims to promote sex and gender issues in translational research and increase visibility for these topics. In 2019, Antoinette Maassen van den Brink received the award to advance the knowledge and understanding of sex and gender differences in migrain. In 2017, a jury of international experts awarded Louise Pilote, who specialises in social gender differences in cardiovascular research, and Rhonda Voskuhl, who investigates sex differences in degenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis. Since then, their research continued to tackle the questions and knowledge gaps with hope to lead to better understanding of the diseses and thus better treatment for patients. Below you can find their current thoughts on the subject. 

"Studying sex and gender in medical research should not be considered as something specil, but it should be part of everyday scientific life."  - A. Maassen van den Brink 

"The study of sex differences in disease reveals important clues into naturally occurring disease modifying factors. Understanding these sex differences and what causes them can lead to new treatment targets for novel therapies for each disease. " - Rhonda Voskuhl 

"In clinical research, it is important to have a clear picture of how sex and gender may affect results obrained in a study, which aspects would be relevant for one of the genders only, and which conclusions may be drawn from a study." - A. Maassen van den Brink

"Research questions and data analysis plans should be defined while clearly considering the influence of sex and gender." - A.Maassen van den Brink 
