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  • BCRT

    In Vivo Liver Reprogramming and Blood-Liver Organoids

    Milad Rezvani

    Our DFG-Emmy Noether Program-funded lab has two main focuses: First, we are developing in vivo tissue regeneration as a therapeutic strategy. Second, we aim to understand the dynamics between hematopoietic and hepatic systems in development and disease using blood-liver organoids.

  • BCRT

    Model Systems for Regenerative Therapies

    Johanna Bolander

    The research group Model Systems for Regenerative Therapies leverages interdisciplinary approaches to interdisciplinary and translational research. Our goal is to improve our mechanistic pathophysiological understanding regarding musculoskeletal fibrosis to a level where we can offer effective solutions for clinical applications.

  • BCRT


    Leif Erik Sander and Christian Gaebler

    Infectious diseases remain one of the major causes of death world-wide. Emerging infections, such as the COVID-19 pandemic or the MPVX outbreak, but also the dramatic increase in antibiotic resistance illustrate the urgent need for novel antimicrobial interventions. Vaccines represent one of the most powerfull, safe and cost-effective tools to…

  • BCRT

    Personalized scaffolds for bone defect regeneration

    Su Ping Patrina Poh

    Additive manufacturing (AM) technologies could be the leverage for the generation of precise and personalized scaffold constructs enabling improved bone regeneration and remodeling outcomes. Our team strives to develop methodologies and generate knowledge that could lead to mechanistic understanding of scaffold-guided bone defect regeneration…

  • BCRT Regenerative medicine

    Regenerative Hepatology

    Ludovic Vallier

    The objective of our research group is to acquire the basic knowledge necessary to develop new therapies against diseases affecting the liver. For that, we use stem cells to model embryonic development in vitro and to produce liver cells with an interest for cell therapy.

  • BCRT Regenerative medicine

    Computational Mechanobiology

    Sara Checa Esteban

    Tissues in the musculoskeletal system are exquisitely designed with superb mechanical properties. The tissues are also able to adapt to withstand changing mechanical conditions. The Computational Mechanobiology Group is focused on understanding these two exciting features. Using computer modeling techniques, we seek to understand the mechanical…

  • BCRT

    Gene Regulation in Cell Differentiation and Disease

    Daniel Ibrahim

    Our research aims to understand the principles of gene regulation, how they control cell differentiation, and how these are disrupted in disease. We investigate these questions through systematic genome engineering. We create specific mutations in the genome and then study how they alter expression level, pattern, or any other aspect of gene…

  • BCRT

    Gene Editing for Cell Therapy

    Dimitrios L. Wagner

    Gene editing and synthetic biology: developing cell therapies for diseases with high unmet medical need.