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The Systematic Review Helpdesk is a service of the CAMARADES Facility for the systematic review and meta-analysis.

We offer free and individual consultations to researchers in Berlin to help them with their systematic reviews and meta-analyses of animal data.

  • Do you have a research question to investigate and need help planning your systematic review or finalizing your study protocol?
  • Have you started a systematic review but are unsure of the most efficient way to proceed?
  • Are you at the end of your systematic review and wondering how best to summarize your data?

How to prepare for a consultation

  • Please prepare to give a short overview of your project including current stage (e.g. conceptualisation, protocol development, screening, analysis).
  • Please bring the latest version of your protocol with you and/or any other relevant documents (e.g., example included studies, statistical analysis plan, etc.).


Alexandra Bannach-Brown, PhD

Research fellow - CAMARADES

Contact information