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Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most promising technologies of our time with enormous potential impact on healthcare. However, ethical challenges and a resulting lack of trust from doctors and patients prevent this technology from reaching the patients in need at the required scale.

While there are many high-level principle-based ethical and trustworthy AI guidelines, these are not sufficient to provide practical recommendations. Thus, researchers in healthcare do not develop AI ethically, with special deficits in the area of transparency and robustness. We seek to develop an AI in healthcare roadmap that will guide the necessary research to make AI in healthcare endeavours ethical and trustworthy.


To create a roadmap for AI in healthcare that identifies all the necessary steps to ensure that we will reach a status quo of ethical development of AI in healthcare.


Qualitative and quantitative research methods including meta-research.


Our roadmap and preliminary findings will significantly impact the way AI in healthcare is developed and will ensure its impact on the clinical domain.

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Dr. med. Vince Istvan Madai

Project team leader Responsible algorithms

ORCID | Researchgate | LinkedIn

Contact information
Phone:+49 30 450 543 676