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The course is aimed to give you a solid basis for using R in your everyday scientific endavours even if you have no previous knowledge of R or any other programming language. After completing the course, you will be able to:

  • exchange data between R and spreadsheet programs such as Excel
  • manipulate and display the data
  • generate various types of plots
  • run simple statistical analysis (t test, non-parametric tests, basic ANOVA, basic linear regression) - create reports from your analysis in a number of formats

Most importantly, you will learn from day 1 what the advantages of using a programming language for your data analysis are as well as where the pitfalls and potential problems lie.

The course will be taught by Prof. Dieter Beule (Translational Bioinformatics), Dr. Manuela Benary (Bioinformatician), and Dr. January Weiner (Computational Biologist).

Number of Places / ECTS

The course is limited to 20 students and is registered with the doctorate environment Charité and equivalent to 2.7 ECTS.


5 - 9 September 2022
1:30 - 6:00 pm

Online via MS Teams

Information and Registration via cubi-teaching@charite.de
>> Please register by 30 July 2022 | The course is limited to 20 participants

Dr. rer. nat. Manuela Benary
Core Unit Bioinformatics – CUBI / Comprehensive Cancer Center Charité
BIH / MDC / Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin