Business Model Development - From Idea to Product to Revenues
Prof. Sven Ripsas (Professor of Entrepreneurship, Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin)A brilliant product idea does not automatically translate into a profit generating business model.
How can concepts like the "Business Model Canvas" and "Customer Development" help to turn
a first idea into a good product and from there into a sustainable business model? What can be
the right strategy to finance the startup process?
Prof. Ripsas is giving an overview over iterative business model generation and what it takes to start a start-up.
Leading a start up company
Dr. Christian Krey (CEO of Emperra, Potsdam)Emperra, founded in 2008, revolutionizes Diabetis mellitus patient care. The company provides a
digital solution based on an insulin pen that measures blood glucose levels and a software for the
direct data transfer to caregivers. Dr. Krey will talk about his experience in leading a start-up company - from the idea over funding, looking for partners, getting revenue to building a solid business model.