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This workshop is aimed at scientists who want to present their research with more impact by using the technique of rhetoric / storytelling. The participants of the workshop will learn to use classical narrative structure to describe their work and thereby present facts and figures to a target audience in a more understandable and appealing way.

The participants will be instructed on various creative techniques, work with key components of storytelling, be given the opportunity to develop and present stories for different contexts and receive feedback from the trainer and the group.

About the trainer:
Julia Binsack has been working in the communications industry for two decades. She is a trained journalist and filmmaker, currently active as a communication coach, and public speaking and media trainer. Effective and authentic communication is the focus of her consulting approach. She studied Philosophy, German and Journalism in Germany and Canada.



When? June 8/9, 2022, 9:30 am to 5:00 pm

Where? BIH Digital Labs,  Bertholt-Brechtplatz 3

Who? Max. 12 participants

Target group: Early- and mid-career women scientists

Registration: Please register via mail to equal.opportunity@bihealth.de until June 1, 2022.