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  • Partner event

    Vernissage in Prague | Exhibition "Berlin - Capital of Female Scientists"

    On May 13, the traveling exhibition will open with a festive vernissage at the Charles University in Prague. The exhibition is being held in Prague thanks to the kind support of the Goethe-Institute Prague and the DAAD Czech Republic. It will be on display at the Charles University until June 11 and highlights the work of female academics.

  • Partner event Conference

    SBHD 2024: "The Advent of Artificial Intelligence"

    The SBHD conference series is a bi‑national annual event focusing on systems biology approaches for the understanding, diagnosis, and therapy of human diseases. The conference features top‑class scientists, short and lighting talks and will be held in Nashville, TN, USA.

  • Panel discussion Partner event

    Talk im Cube | Building the Bridge from Pre-Clinical to Clinical Studies

    The transition from preclinical studies to human clinical trials is challenging in many ways - scientifically, regulatory and organizationally. This aspect will be addressed by the expert panel in the new “Talk in the Cube” series organized by the Glass Laboratory at the Campus Berlin-Buch.

  • Workshop Equal Opportunity

    Networking in Germany for International Researchers

    Workshop for international researchers to learn creative methods for cultivating professional relationships and how to apply networking skills to build resilience, learn from others, provide valuable support to their peers, expand opportunities for collaboration and career growth, and establish stronger ties to their current location.

  • Symposium

    Single Cells in Focus: Berlin Symposia Series

    Symposium series on current studies and findings from the Berlin single cell community. >> This time with: Sinem Saka (EMBL Heidelberg) “From Visual Phenotypes to Molecular Compositions” and Helene Kretzmer (MPI Molecular Genetics) “Allele-Level Decoding of Epigenetic Regulator Mutants” as well as three short talks.

  • Partner event

    Final Event GeneNovate 2024

    Final event of the national transfer program GeneNovate - scientists from institutions in Berlin, Mainz and Munich will pitch their innovations to a top-class jury of experienced VC and business angel investors. With impulse talks, panel discussion and a networking session for individual exchange.

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