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With the BIH Gender Equality Fund, the BIH specifically supports women scientists with family responsibilities in order to compensate for existing disadvantages such as work prohibitions in the laboratory, multiple burdens due to family, scientific qualification and clinical work. The following conditions therefore apply to the application. 

Requirements for the application: 

  • Implementation of a translational research project 
  • Family responsibilities (especially currently pregnant or on maternity or parental leave, children <12 years, single parent, care responsibilities ) 
  • temporary position or a scholarship 


Scope of funding

Financial means up to a maximum of 10.000€ per applicant will be provided to support the scientific work of the applicant. These funds can be used to finance one or more student assistants as well as any consumables urgently needed for research. The student assistant will be employed at BIH/Charité and should work at least 40 h/month if possible. The funds are only available in 2025. Please quantify the required funds already in the application and explain what you specifically need the funds for. 


Application procedure

Please use the corresponding PDF form for the application. Deadline is 27.09.2024

You can submit the application in German or English. 

The award decision will be made on the basis of the available resources. If there are more applications than funds available, a BIH internal selection will be made according to urgency and social criteria as well as affiliation with the BIH unit. 



Eligible to apply are early- and mid-career women scientists, such as: 

  • PhD Students

  • Postdocs

  • Juniorprofessors (W1)

  • Group leaders 

  • (Junior) Clinician Scientists and (Junior) Digital Clinician Scientists

The prerequisite is that you are assigned to the BIH Unit (exception: Clinician Scientists).


Contact details 

If you have any questions, please contact BIH’s Equal Opportunity Officer, Karin Höhne (karin.hoehne@bih-charite.de, Tel: +49 30 450 543 048).