The Leopoldina is a supranational association of academics and one of the oldest academies of science academies in the world. Currently counting over 1,500 members in around 30 countries, the Leopoldina is the largest academy in Germany. The scientists and academics are elected by the Presidium on the basis of nomination by existing members and a multi-stage selection process. They are experts in their respective field of research.
Since April 1, 2018, Roland Eils has been Professor for Digital Health at the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) and the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. He is a proven expert in biomedical informatics, genomics and personalized medicine and relies on methods of artificial intelligence, big data analysis and mathematical modelling. In Heidelberg, he heads the Health Data Science Unit at the University Hospital. In the field of digital health, he founded two companies and is a consultant for companies and institutions in the health sector. He wants to expand the Berlin research space into a common data space and create a "hub" for digital health.