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At pivotal points in their scientific career, researchers often feel a need to deliberate their positions and competencies. Information on funding and career developments as well as awareness on own strengths and interests are the key for taking decisions on the way forward. This coaching will offer participants assistance with the further planning of their scientific career by providing guidance in view of funding opportunities, taking into account the participants' individual trajectories. Invited to participate are female PhDs and Post-Docs involved in BIH projects.


6 and 7 July 2016 Each session lasts 1 hour. The sessions take place between 9.30 am and 4.10 pm.


BIH Head Office, Kapelle-Ufer 2, 10117 Berlin


The registration has closed.


Beate Scholz has worked internationally as a strategy consultant, trainer, and coach since 2003. Until April 2008, she was a program director for research careers at the German Research Foundation. Her work focuses on research career development as well as on international research collaborations.


Melanie Preisner Event manager melanie.preisner@bihealth.de +49 30 450 54 30 27