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Would you like to have someone who supports and encourages you to enhance your productivity in your daily work? Do you need useful feedback pertaining to your individual situation? Do you want to make further professional and personal advancements? Coaching is a one-to-one setting that helps you very effectively to find your way to succeed.

What are potential topics for discussion during a coaching meeting?

  • Clarification of your current professional role
  • Facilitating communication in difficult situations. For example: communicating a problem to your boss or another colleague.
  • Constructive coping/management of conflicts
  • Structuring and setting priorities in decision-making
  • Leadership (top-down and bottom-up)
  • Team work/project work
  • Transition from the current field of work into another position or field of work

What are some coaching benefits?

  • You become actively aware of your personal situation
  • You learn about new perspectives in your situation and position
  • Then, you will recognize new options of dealing with your current position/situation
  • You set and achieve your work-related goals more effectively
  • You elaborate jointly on solutions and implementation strategies
  • You receive professional feedback
  • Your knowledge of your own skills and behavior patterns is expanded
  • Your self-efficacy increases
  • You are encouraged, acknowledged and motivated

Introduction of Coach Dr. Silke Oehrlein-Karpi

Dr. Silke Oehrlein-Karpi has been working as a coach and a trainer for scientists since 2008. Before becoming a coach, she led a project in a DFG-funded Collaborative Research Centre in Mainz. During those 10 years she worked as a biologist in the field of basic medical research and gained extensive experience in setting up and successfully leading scientific projects. In her current work, she uses her “insider knowledge” from her time spent in academia combined with her resource-oriented and diversity-related coaching perspective on individuals. She is a member of the Coachingnetz Wissenschaft e.V. This event is organized by the BIH equal opportunity unit. If you have any questions or comments, please contact: kunze@bihealth.de.

Further Information

Participation Invited to participate are female PhDs and Post-Docs working in the joint research space of BIH. When? Where? How to register. The individual coaching takes place on the 10 and 11 December 2015 in the BIH head office, Kapelle Ufer 2, 10117 Berlin. Each session lasts 1,5 hours.
Sessions available on 10 DecemberSessions available on 11 December
8 am to 9.30 am
10 am to 11.30 am
12 pm to 1.30 pm
2.30 pm to 4 pm
4.30 pm to 6 pm
8 am to 9.30 am
10 am to 11.30 am
12 pm to 1.30 pm
2.30 pm to 4 pm
         Participation is free of charge. Please register by 16 November 2015 at kunze@bihealth.de. If you cancel your session after 23 November, you will be charged for the session with a cost of 150 Euro. When registering please send your curriculum vitae and let us know which slots would suit you.