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What can Recovery Cat do?

The aim of Recovery Cat is to improve self-management by providing patients with a digital tool for symptom monitoring. The app, which is certified as a medical device, offers the option of doing a daily check-in. Patients can record their symptoms, side effects, resources and early warning signs and receive visualizations for analysis purposes. These provide a precise overview of the course of the illness. Using this information, the app alerts the patients to changes and helps them evaluate symptoms and activate their individual resources.

At the same time, a separate interface allows doctors and therapists to set up and customize the tool together with patients. So the app not only ensures transparent and easily understandable therapy planning, but also assists patients and practitioners in performing crisis management – thus enabling them to respond swiftly to any changes during therapy. 

Recovery Cat is supported by the Impact Funds of the Investitionsbank Berlin (IBB), which are provided in partnership with private investors.

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Konstanze Pflüger

Head of Communications

Contact information
Phone:+49 (0)30 450 543 343