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Charité has committed itself to establishing, promoting and maintaining a research environment which enhances the robustness of research and the transparency and relevance of results.

The dashboard developed by the BIH QUEST Center provides an up-to-date overview of the status quo (as well as the progress) of various metrics of trustworthy and useful research at Charité and the Berlin Institute of Health.

It is thus an element of Charité's aim to conduct responsible research as a basis for sustainable innovation and documents its efforts in a transparent manner to employees, funding agencies, and the public.

Examples of metrics presented are the open sharing of data and analysis code in Charité publications and publication rates of clinical trials. Lastly, information on FAIR data (and the Berlin Science Survey) has been added. More metrics will be added in the future.

The dashboard can be accessed via the following link: https://quest-dashboard.charite.de/

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QUEST Center

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