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Want to make your research more reproducible?

The QUEST Toolbox contains helpful tools, programmes and online platforms aimed at facilitating the reproducibility of a research project on all stages. The tools are organised by stages in the life cycle of a research project. The QUEST toolbox is aimed specifically at biomedical researchers. While some tools are specific to that community, others would be useful to other research communities. We tried to list non-commercial tools wherever possible.

Preparation of project

This category focusses on all the steps happening before the actual project is conducted.

Preparation of project

Execution of project

This category focusses on the steps that happen after data collection, especially statistical analysis and visualisation.

Tools execution

Publication of project results

There are different ways to make your research easily accessible to others. You can post a preprint of your publication before going through peer review or you can choose an open access journal for publication. You can post your publication in a repository even if you did not publish in an open access journal (often after an embargo period). Additionally, you can make your research data open and citable using a suitable repository.

Publication of project results

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