Quality Assurance
Mental Health: Mental health support during pandemics
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the lives of most researchers in many ways. But while many aspects of daily life have become more challenging, it has also provided an opportunity to explore new ways to positively shape research culture. Together, the QUEST Center and community partners have developed guidelines to promote the mental health of early career researchers, aimed at PIs and supervisors as well as the early career researchers themselves.
Both guidelines were created as part of a virtual brainstorming event in February 2021. Around 50 early career researchers (ECRs), lab managers, mental health advocates, representatives of student services, graduate programs and other community partners of the Berlin research institutes came together online to discuss pandemic-related mental health challenges and look for solutions. The resulting guides provide practical resources and solutions for members of the academic community and will hopefully lead to a supportive research culture in these challenging times.
Guidelines for Early Career Researchers (ECR)
Guidelines for PIs
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