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Transparent clinical research is crucial to the accessibility and usefulness of the underlying clinical work. Clinical trials should be transparent from prior to initiation (i.e. registration) to after study completion (i.e. reporting).

Many universities in the EU are failing to upload all their clinical trial results onto registries, leading to research waste and incomplete outcome reporting. We encourage participants to search the EU Trials Tracker for their institution’s clinical trial data.

Universities and other non-commercial trial sponsors in Germany and other EU countries are becoming increasingly aware of their obligation to upload the results of clinical trials onto the European trial registry EudraCT. Pressure to do this increases with continued advocacy by campaign groups and new EU Clinical Trial Regulations.

However, universities are often unclear about how to a) upload the results of (old) trials, and b) set up systems that ensure timely results posting going forward. This creates a barrier to improved performance.

Manual, Events, CTIS

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