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  • BCRT Regenerative medicine

    Regenerative Hepatology

    Ludovic Vallier

    The objective of our research group is to acquire the basic knowledge necessary to develop new therapies against diseases affecting the liver. For that, we use stem cells to model embryonic development in vitro and to produce liver cells with an interest for cell therapy.

  • Regenerative medicine

    Bone Healing

    Katharina Schmidt-Bleek

    Bone is an interesting tissue from the researchers view as it is able to regenerate after injury. However, even today and with an adequate treatment 5-20% of all fractured patients experience a delayed or non-union.

  • BCRT Regenerative medicine

    Computational Mechanobiology

    Sara Checa Esteban

    Tissues in the musculoskeletal system are exquisitely designed with superb mechanical properties. The tissues are also able to adapt to withstand changing mechanical conditions. The Computational Mechanobiology Group is focused on understanding these two exciting features. Using computer modeling techniques, we seek to understand the mechanical…

  • Podcast QUEST Center Corona

    How did the Coronavirus influence research?

    During the Corona pandemic, half a million researchers from more than 170 different fields published articles about the virus or the COVID-19 disease. Many of them were not really virus-experts, even automobile researchers published about Corona. In the new episode of the BIH-podcast, John Ioannidis, famous meta-researcher from Stanford and Berlin,…

  • BCRT Epigenetics Immunology


    Julia Polansky

    Not only the DNA sequence – our genome – but also the 3D structure of our genome – the 'epi-genome' – is essential in determining the type and function of a cell. That's why the analysis of the epigenome facilitates deep insights into the developmental history of a cell and its current gene expression profile, but also allows deductions on its…

  • Epigenetics Pneumology

    Molecular Epidemiology

    Irina Lehmann

    Research of Molecular Epidemiology Unit at the Berlin Institute of Health and the Charité is focused on epigenetic modifications that occur in close interaction between the individual genetic background and environmental exposure and potentially contribute to increased disease risks. Thereby, we are in particular interested to identify key events…