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  • Digital Medicine

    Mathematical modelling of neuronal learning

    Robert Gütig

    The Gütig lab uses analytical and numerical modeling techniques to identify the computational principles underlying spike based information processing and learning in central nervous systems and to understand how these principles are implemented by biological processes. Specifically, the lab focuses on the role of action potential timing in sensory…

  • Liaison group Cardiovascular Research

    Integrative Vascular Biology

    Holger Gerhardt

    The Integrative Vascular Biology Laboratory aims to unravel the fundamental principles and molecular/genetic regulation of functional vascular network formation in development and disease.

  • Genetics/Genomics Digital Medicine

    Medical Omics

    Sören Lukassen

    The Medical Omics lab aims to improve healthcare and basic research by providing artificial intelligence-driven tools for the analysis of large biomedical datasets. For comprehensive insights in disease entities, we aim to include multiple layers of data, such as single-cell RNA sequencing, methylomics data and medical imaging. In close…

  • Digital Medicine

    Computational Medicine

    Claudia Langenberg

    Common metabolic disorders such as obesity, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes have both environmental and genetic causes. We now know that many sections of the genome influence the risk of weight gain or adverse fat distribution, in addition to the important roles played by lack of physical activity and excessive intake of high-calorie foods.…

  • BCRT Epigenetics Immunology


    Julia Polansky

    Not only the DNA sequence – our genome – but also the 3D structure of our genome – the 'epi-genome' – is essential in determining the type and function of a cell. That's why the analysis of the epigenome facilitates deep insights into the developmental history of a cell and its current gene expression profile, but also allows deductions on its…

  • Genetics/Genomics Digital Medicine

    Bioinformatics and Translational Genetics

    Dominik Seelow

    The main research area of the Bioinformatics and Translational Genetics group is the elucidation of single gene disorders (diseases caused by DNA mutations in a single gene). We are developing user-friendly software that can be used by non-IT specialists. This allows the physicians – who know most about the patients and their disorders – to analyse…

  • Digital Medicine

    Brain Simulation

    Petra Ritter

    Brain simulation helps us understanding how our brain works – and developing personalized therapies for its diseases

  • Digital Medicine

    Medical Informatics

    Fabian Prasser

    Further advancing digital medicine requires innovative solutions for integrating healthcare and medical research data. From the perspective of medical informatics, there are important open questions. How can the required collection, integration and analysis of large and heterogeneous data sets be achieved in an efficient, effective and scalable…

  • Cardiovascular Research

    Angiogenesis & Metabolism

    Michael Potente

    The Potente laboratory focuses on the vasculature—the largest organ in the human body. We study how vascular networks develop and remodel and how their function becomes abnormal in disease states.