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  • Oncology

    Early Cancer Development and Prevention

    Kirsten Kübler

    Our research focuses on molecular changes in the development of various tumors. We now want to use bioinformatic and experimental methods to better understand the early development of cancer in order to be able to intervene and prevent it in the long term.

  • Immunology Oncology

    Cancer & Immunology | Immune Mechanisms and Human Antibodies

    Kathrin de la Rosa

    Our motivation is to address fundamental biological questions of human immunology and translate them into innovative therapies. In this respect, the core interest of our laboratory lies in the discovery of new applications of antibodies and B cells to treat and prevent challenging human diseases.

  • Epigenetics Pneumology

    Molecular Epidemiology

    Irina Lehmann

    Research of Molecular Epidemiology Unit at the Berlin Institute of Health and the Charité is focused on epigenetic modifications that occur in close interaction between the individual genetic background and environmental exposure and potentially contribute to increased disease risks. Thereby, we are in particular interested to identify key events…

  • Genetics/Genomics Oncology

    Intelligent Imaging

    Christian Conrad

    Genetic sequencing, an essential method in life science, is mainly driven by fluorescence imaging. In the advent of spatial imaging and in situ sequencing directly on cells and human tissues, we aim to apply latest deep learning and microscopic automation for translational medicine and molecular pathology. This includes fast optical imaging, single…

  • Video Clinical translation Equal Opportunity

    Video portrait: Olga Geisel

    Public perception of science is still dominated by the image of men, and male scientists are interviewed and quoted more frequently in the media than their female colleagues. Therefore, the BIH wants to represent women scientists with its portrait series and illustrate their inspiring contribution to translational research, from basic research to…