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  • Quality Assurance Open Science Ongoing


    The CARDS project aims to develop and expand tools, services, and training offered to researchers of the Berlin University Alliance (BUA) on the topic of research data management (RDM).

  • Quality Assurance Open Science

    BUA Open Science Magnifiers

    The project "Berlin University Alliance Open Science Magnifiers" continues and further develops the systematic monitoring of Open Science practices. This includes visualizations of indicators for open practices, as well as highlighting of specific best-practice examples.

  • BCRT

    In Vivo Liver Reprogramming and Blood-Liver Organoids

    Milad Rezvani

    Our DFG-Emmy Noether Program-funded lab has two main focuses: First, we are developing in vivo tissue regeneration as a therapeutic strategy. Second, we aim to understand the dynamics between hematopoietic and hepatic systems in development and disease using blood-liver organoids.

  • Center of Health Data Sciences

    Medical Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

    Peter N. Robinson

    Our lab is made up of bioinformaticians, computer scientists, ontologists, curators, and software engineers. Our mission is to develop software resources and algorithms to improve human health. Our research focuses on the development of ontologies and software for translational genomics.

  • Quality Assurance


    In INFORM-Stroke, we want to compare the results of a multicentre preclinical stroke study with those of systematic reviews. In addition, more in-depth analyses will examine the effect of animal attrition and of meta-analysis decisions on the effect estimates.