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Against the background of necessary reforms in research evaluation, LOMIKON provides a digital, contextualised representation of performance-based funding in research (research LoM) at the institutions of the Berlin University Alliance (BUA). LOMIKON is a successor project to RespInd.


LOMIKON aims to be a digital platform for a collaborative exchange on research LoM within the BUA. It is intended to serve the stakeholders as an evidence-based decision-making aid for the future design of the LoM. The LOMIKON is to be developed together with the users.


The LOMIKON presents the status quo and trends of important performance parameters of the research LoM in a contextualised manner. The following levels and content are included in the presentation of performance parameters:

  • descriptive (e.g., description of LoM at institutions, definition of performance characteristics, etc.)
  • argumentative (classification and discussion of the LoM based on the literature, systematic literature review)
  • participative and application-oriented: from the perspective of the users of university governance
  • presentation of structural characteristics (e.g. figures of university finance and personnel statistics)

The presentation is institution-related and, where possible, research field-related. The starting point for the LOMIKON is the contextualised digitisation of the results from RespInd. The LOMIKON is continuously developed and updated with the relevant actors and users.

Expected Results / Implications / Perspectives

A digital, interactive platform for BUA institutions to advance and reform research LoM. OSF: https://osf.io/syxub/


Dr. Miriam Kip, MPH

Research group leader | CoARA representative Charité and BIH

Contact information
Phone:+49 30 450 543 055