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NeuroCure is a Cluster of Excellence in the neurosciences lead by the Charité and has six berlin-based partner institutions. The cluster was established in 2007 by the German federal and state governments (Excellence Initiative) and received further funding within the Excellence Strategy of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft in 2019.

With the funding in 2019, the cluster has now established a comprehensive programme called VOS – Value and Open Science to specifically increase the reliability, robustness, reproducibility, transparency and predictive power of NeuroCure research through dedicated education, training, infrastructure and service. Thereby VOS closely collaborates with the QUEST Center to develop and discuss best research management practices, targeted education programmes and communication strategies for the NeuroCure community.

With a particular focus on methods, designs, and approaches utilised by NeuroCure researchers, VOS will develop and promote existing curricula designed to educate students, scientists, and technical personnel on the prevention of experimental bias, Open Sciences concepts, reporting guidelines, neuroscience-specific community standards, and effective research data management. VOS also draws from interactions with the research group for translational bioethics at the QUEST Center, headed by Professor Strech, to improve timely reporting of summary reporting from NeuroCure clinical trials.

Further information can be found here.

Dr. René Bernard

Quality manager | Project manager - Value and Open Science (Exzellenzcluster NeuroCure, Charité)

Contact information
Phone:+49 30 450 539 706