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  • Panel discussion Partner event

    Talk im Cube | Building the Bridge from Pre-Clinical to Clinical Studies

    The transition from preclinical studies to human clinical trials is challenging in many ways - scientifically, regulatory and organizationally. This aspect will be addressed by the expert panel in the new “Talk in the Cube” series organized by the Glass Laboratory at the Campus Berlin-Buch.

  • Partner event

    BARDA VITAL Global Health Security Symposium

    The event focuses on advancements in therapeutic and vaccine platforms and technologies aimed at enhancing pandemic preparedness and medical countermeasures to treat infectious diseases. The symposium will be held at the Rahel Hirsch Center and features talks by Leif Erik Sander and Doris Meder from the BIH.

  • Partner event

    Final Event GeneNovate 2024

    Final event of the national transfer program GeneNovate - scientists from institutions in Berlin, Mainz and Munich will pitch their innovations to a top-class jury of experienced VC and business angel investors. With impulse talks, panel discussion and a networking session for individual exchange.

  • Partner event

    Networking Event on Human 3D Organ Models

    Charité 3R and Einstein Center 3R cordially invite all Berlin scientist working on Human 3D Organ Models such as organoids, organs-on-chip, engineered tissue, 3D bio-printing and in-silico models and similar approaches to a networking event with poster session and get-together. >> Poster Deadline: June 16, 2024; Contact: c3r-research@charite.de

  • Partner event Conference

    ISSCR 2024 | BIH/Charité Focus Session: Stategies for Gene and Cell-based Therapies in Europe

    The ISSCR is the event of the year for more than 4,000 scientists from 75 countries. The 4-day program includes contributions on the most important advances in stem cell research and regenerative medicine, including a panel discussion with Christopher Baum and Daniel Besser as well as the GSCN MeetUp Hub for exchange with the stem cell community.

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