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  • Photo gallery BIH Academy

    (J)(D)(Ad)CSP Certificate Ceremony 2024

    On June 20, 2024, around 50 Fellows received their certificates for successful participation in the (J)(D)(Ad) Clinician Scientist Program at Villa Elisabeth. The 300th alumni was symbolically honored at this year's certificate ceremony.

  • Photo gallery BIH Academy

    Internatinal Clinician Scientist Symposium 2024

    On June 20 and 21, 2024, an international BIH Charité Clinician Scientist Symposium was held at the “Villa Elisabeth” (Berlin Mitte), which was attended by around 170 participants.

  • Media QUEST Center

    SPOKES Wellcome Trust Think Tank Podcast: Doing Science Differently

    Episode 4 - Mental health in academia

    As part of the SPOKES Wellcome Trust Funded Think Tank Program (SWFTTP), a podcast has been created that takes a closer look at various aspects of research culture and practice in order to improve translational research in Berlin and beyond.

  • Media QUEST Center

    SPOKES Wellcome Trust Think Tank Podcast: Doing Science Differently

    Episode 3 - Success in Science

    As part of the SPOKES Wellcome Trust Funded Think Tank Program (SWFTTP), a podcast has been created that takes a closer look at various aspects of research culture and practice in order to improve translational research in Berlin and beyond.

  • Media QUEST Center

    SPOKES Wellcome Trust Think Tank Podcast: Doing Science Differently

    Episode 2 - The Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology

    As part of the SPOKES Wellcome Trust Funded Think Tank Program (SWFTTP), a podcast has been created that takes a closer look at various aspects of research culture and practice in order to improve translational research in Berlin and beyond.

  • Media QUEST Center

    SPOKES Wellcome Trust Think Tank Podcast: Doing Science Differently

    Episode 1 - Power abuse in academia

    As part of the SPOKES Wellcome Trust Funded Think Tank Program (SWFTTP), a podcast has been created that takes a closer look at various aspects of research culture and practice in order to improve translational research in Berlin and beyond.