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  • Sponsors

    Sponsors of the BIH Charité Clinician Scientist Programs The BIH Charité Clinician Scientist Program (CSP) is core-funded by the BIH and Charité . However, despite the great success of the program and the basic funding, the BIH Charité CSP is dependent on additional financial support from external donors. The BIH Charité Clinician Scientist Program…

  • Train the Teacher FoRR

    Train the Teacher: "Fundamentals of Responsible Research" Data protection declaration Data protection declaration for QUEST services Download, Pdf (569 KB)

  • protocols.io REWARD Programme

    The protocol.io REWARDS program This reward of €1,000 each was awarded four times in 2023 for newly created and publicly shared protocols by BIH or Charité members. The authors had to actively apply and the protocols had to meet certain quality criteria. Eligibility criteria Eligibility criteria The protocol must be shared publicly with a DOI;…

  • ReproducibiliTeach

    ReproducibiliTeach: Strategies to make your research more transparent, robust & reproducible Thank you for your interest in this workshop. Please register for our waiting list. You will be notified as soon as the registration is open. Data protection declaration BIH QUEST Center Data protection declaration of the BIH QUEST Center Download, Pdf (576…

  • Waiting list Write My Protocol Workshop

    Waiting list for the course "Write My Protocol Workshop" Thank you for your interest in our course offer. Unfortunately, the current course is still running or the new course dates are not yet fixed. However, you have the possibility to sign up for a waiting list here. As soon as the next course is planned, we will contact you.

  • Waiting list Write and/or Publish My Protocol Course

    Waiting list for the course "Write and/or Publish My Protocol" Thank you for your interest in our course offer. Unfortunately, the current course is still running or the new course dates are not yet fixed. However, you have the possibility to sign up for a waiting list here. As soon as the next course is planned, we will contact you.