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  • Workshop BIH Academy Metabolomics

    Practical Course on GC-MS-based Metabolomics

    Take part in our summer workshop! The course offers an introduction to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), metabolomics in general and is suitable for beginners in this field who would like to expand their research together with metabolomics experts.

  • Liaison group Genetics/Genomics

    Genome instability and somatic mosaicism

    Ashley Sanders

    We sequence cells to understand how genetic mutations form and change cell states in health and disease.

  • Genetics/Genomics Digital Medicine

    Medical Omics

    Sören Lukassen

    The Medical Omics lab aims to improve healthcare and basic research by providing artificial intelligence-driven tools for the analysis of large biomedical datasets. For comprehensive insights in disease entities, we aim to include multiple layers of data, such as single-cell RNA sequencing, methylomics data and medical imaging. In close…

  • Genetics/Genomics

    Translational Bioinformatics

    Dieter Beule

    Rapid advances in molecular biology technologies are leading to a data explosion in biomedical research and clinical diagnostics. The goal of our department is to develop new and targeted ways to analyze and evaluate these data sets in order to implement innovations that benefit patients. For instance, it is desirable to make information from…

  • Genetics/Genomics Digital Medicine

    Bioinformatics and Translational Genetics

    Dominik Seelow

    The main research area of the Bioinformatics and Translational Genetics group is the elucidation of single gene disorders (diseases caused by DNA mutations in a single gene). We are developing user-friendly software that can be used by non-IT specialists. This allows the physicians – who know most about the patients and their disorders – to analyse…

  • Genetics/Genomics

    Hypertension and Molecular Biology of Endocrine Tumors

    Ute Scholl

    Hypertension affects more than one billion people worldwide. As the leading risk factor for global disease burden, it contributes to more than nine million deaths annually. The mission of the Scholl group is the discovery and characterization of novel mechanisms underlying human disease. We focus on genetic causes of childhood hypertension and…

  • Epigenetics Pneumology

    Molecular Epidemiology

    Irina Lehmann

    Research of Molecular Epidemiology Unit at the Berlin Institute of Health and the Charité is focused on epigenetic modifications that occur in close interaction between the individual genetic background and environmental exposure and potentially contribute to increased disease risks. Thereby, we are in particular interested to identify key events…

  • Genetics/Genomics

    Computational Genome Biology

    Martin Kircher

    Since 2017, Martin Kircher heads the "Computational Genome Biology" working group at BIH. With the appointment as professor for regulatory genomics at the University of Lübeck and the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein in 2022, Prof. Kircher continued his research as a BIH Fellow at the two locations. At the Berlin site, the research group is…

  • Genetics/Genomics Oncology

    Intelligent Imaging

    Christian Conrad

    Genetic sequencing, an essential method in life science, is mainly driven by fluorescence imaging. In the advent of spatial imaging and in situ sequencing directly on cells and human tissues, we aim to apply latest deep learning and microscopic automation for translational medicine and molecular pathology. This includes fast optical imaging, single…