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The workshop will be postponed to 15.-17.10.2024. If you are interested to join please contact raphaela.fritsche@bih-charite.de

In the wet-lab you will have the opportunity to prepare course-provided samples for GC-MS. In the dry-lab, an existing data set will be processed and analyzed by the group. The theoretical part of the course will cover basic theory on metabolomics and GC-MS. At the end of the course, you should have

1.) a broad understanding of how to plan a metabolomics experiment to maximize interpretability,

2.) understand the complexity of metabolomics in general and the importance of setting clearly defined questions,

3.) understand the process of how samples are prepared, results processed and which factors may influence results and

4.) understand why quality assurance and quality control are important.

The course takes place at the BIH Metabolomics Platform (Käthe-Beutler-House) on Campus Buch.
For further information please refer to our homepage.

Program Flyer


15th - 17th October 2024
9:00am - 4:00pm

BIH @ Campus Berlin-Buch
Käthe-Beutler-Haus (Seminarraum)
Lindenberger Weg 80
13125 Berlin

The registration is closed.
If you would like to join the course, please send an email to: raphaela.fritsche@charite.de