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  • BCRT

    In Vivo Liver Reprogramming and Blood-Liver Organoids

    Milad Rezvani

    Our DFG-Emmy Noether Program-funded lab has two main focuses: First, we are developing in vivo tissue regeneration as a therapeutic strategy. Second, we aim to understand the dynamics between hematopoietic and hepatic systems in development and disease using blood-liver organoids.

  • Center of Health Data Sciences

    Medical Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

    Peter N. Robinson

    Our lab is made up of bioinformaticians, computer scientists, ontologists, curators, and software engineers. Our mission is to develop software resources and algorithms to improve human health. Our research focuses on the development of ontologies and software for translational genomics.

  • Publication

    The BIH from A to Z

    Our aim is to use scientific discoveries to improve human health. To that end we are developing new methods to better prevent diseases and to more precisely and effectively treat them. This booklet lists, in alphabetical order, what we need to achieve these goals. From A to Z, it provides a good first overview of the BIH.

  • BCRT

    Model Systems for Regenerative Therapies

    Johanna Bolander

    The research group Model Systems for Regenerative Therapies leverages interdisciplinary approaches to interdisciplinary and translational research. Our goal is to improve our mechanistic pathophysiological understanding regarding musculoskeletal fibrosis to a level where we can offer effective solutions for clinical applications.